MyTimeSheet - Help

Business time management on the go!

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Sign up

If you're a new user Sign up by providing all the required details,

Administrator:If you're managing your employee's time tap on 'Create company to manage employees time' and then you can setup the company, add employees/users, assign projects & review their time.

Employee: If you are reporting your time to admin, tap on 'I have a code to Join company' & provide the company code given by your administrator.

GIF demonstrating the signup process: Entering username, email, and password into signup form fields. Clicking the 'Sign Up' button. Entering company name into the form field.

Company code: It's a unique code generated for the company, which is given to employees to join under the company account if they have signed up for the account by themselves, so that they can submit their timesheet to their administrator.

GIF demonstrating the timesheet sign-up process in IOS as a basic user: Entering username, email, password, and company code into the sign-up form. Clicking the 'Sign Up' button to submit the form.


Login to Timesheet app using the username & password that is registered.

Forgot Password:If you forget your password, you can reset by entering your username in Login screen & clicking on Forgot Password, that'll generate a one time password & send it to your registered email, with the OTP you can set the new password.

GIF demonstrating the forgot password process: Requesting a password reset by click on Forgot password link. Receiving a one-time password (OTP) in the email. Entering the one-time password (OTP) received in the email. Entering a new password. Retyping the new password for confirmation.Submit the form.


Administrator: At the dashboard administrator can view the number of missing, submitted and rejected timesheet. A pie chart to view hours by project at a glance.

Admin dashboard screen

Basic Users: At the dashboard Users can view the number of project . A Bar chart to view hours by project at a glance.

Basic user or manager dashboard screen

Recent timesheet: At recent timesheet administrator can view recent timesheets of his employees & his own. Whereas users can view their own timesheets.

Mobile view of list of recent timesheets

Web View :

Web view of list of recent timesheets

Timesheet Status:

Draft: This is the state when the timesheet is in edit state, the draft state of employees timesheet will not be visible to the administrator.

Submitted: After entering time, employees can submit the timesheet. This will appear on administrator's dashboard, where administrator should approve or reject it. In this state user can withdraw by rework option & update & re-submit. Administrator's timesheet will be automatically approved when he submits it.

Approved: When administrator checks & approves, the timesheet is in approved state, in this state the user can't edit his timesheet.

Rejected: Administrator can reject the timesheet with a comment, employee has to update his time & submit again the timesheet for approval.

From the mobile App:
Administrator can swipe on the timesheet card to approve or reject the timesheet.

GIF demonstrating swipe to the left on the submitted timesheet to approve

(Swipe to the left on the submitted timesheet to approve.)

GIF demonstrating swipe to the right on the submitted timesheet to Reject.

(Swipe to the right on the submitted timesheet to Reject.)

GIF demonstrating multiselect the project to Reject or approve Timesheet.

(Multiselect the project to Reject or approve Timesheet.)

From the iPad or web app:

Administrator can approve or reject the timesheet from the menu.

Administrator can approve or reject the timesheet from the menu

Administrator can also select (Long press in mobile app & use check box for ipad/web app) multiple timesheet and reject or approve the same at a time from recent timesheet screen.


Here you can set your company name, frequency of timesheet (Weekly or bi-monthly) and Timezone. Administrator can directly navigate to upgrade /purchase screen from here.

Company details screen that has upgarde button

Push Notification: When it is enabled, the administrator will receive push notification when his employees submits the timesheet and employee will receive push notifications when admin approves/rejects the timesheet.

Note: To receive push notification, the app has to be allowed to receive notification in device settings.

Company code: It's a unique code generated for your company, which is given to employees to join under the company account if they have signed up for the account by themselves, so that they can submit their timesheet to their administrator. User/employee can be added by administrator from the Users screen.

After Upgrading Administrator can view their validity date from this screen & detailed view of purchase can be viewed at Menu -> Payment History

Company details screen with current billing plan

Premium Settings

It includes three settings which can be enabled from Menu -> setting -> Premium settings

Premium setting screen

Location: By checking this option On, the employees cannot enter their time at Timescreen without enabling location, this allows us to capture their location when they enter their time & store it for the particular time entry for the day. Location will be pinned on a map in the Time detail screen which will be very useful for particular companies in which employees work in customer location or various other company branches.

Timesheet details with location in the map

Enable location :
Enable location in Premium setting screen

(Location will force employee to enable location which allows to capture live location along with time recorded.)

Enable Quickbook :

Enable quickbook in Premium setting screen

(Enabling this quickbook settings will allow you to setup quickbook & allow you to download quickbook format reports.)

Enable Comment :

Enable comment when time entry in Premium setting screen

(Enabling comment will force the employees to comment when they enter their time. This can be helpful for the administrator to know the actual reason for the Time entry.)

Holiday List

Administrator can add the list of holidays at Menu -> Settings -> Holiday list. This will be used at the payroll report.

Holiday list screen


To download Quickbook report, Quickbook setup has to be done at QuickBook Setting and at project level. Then Quickbook report can be downloaded for the date range at Quickbook download screen.

Note: To enable quickbook download & it's setting, Administrator has to enable it at Premium Settings

Quickbook download:

Menu -> Quickbook settings

GIF demonstrating the process of download the quickbook after given start date and end date.

Quickbook setup:

Administrator has to set the quickbook fields at the Menu -> Setting -> Quickbook settings and also at every project level.

GIF demonstrating the process of quickbook setup in quickbook setting screen after enabling quickbook in premium setting

TimeSheet Alert Setting

This setting sends email notification to employees who haven't submitted the timesheet yet, the email notification with custom message will be sent every hour between the given start & end hour for the given day(s).

To access TimeSheet Alert Setting, go to: Menu ->Setting -> TimeSheet Alert Setting

Timesheet alert setting screen


Administrator can add his employees from users screen and provide basic employee details, then an email will be sent to the employee's email address with the credential and other details.

GIF demonstarting the process of adding user by given the user details such as email and name.

Assign Projects: Projects can be assigned to the employee by clicking on the user & select Assign Projects from pop-up, then select the Project(s) from the list of unassigned & press on Assign button. List of assigned Project can be viewed from View Assigned Project in the same pop-up.

GIF demonstarting the selecting and assigning the projects to the user


Administrator can create a project with it's active time range. And also the project can he hidden so that it doesn't appear at Time screen even in it active time range using the Hide button.

GIF demonstarting adding of a project by given project name, project description ,start date and end date

Assign Users: Project can be assigned to the employees by clicking on the project & select Assign users from pop-up, then select the user(s) from the list of unassigned & press on Assign button. List of assigned users can be viewed from View Assigned Users in the same pop-up.

GIF demonstrating assigning of employees to the project


This is the screen where employees & administrator can enter their time everyday and submit the Timesheet for administrator's review.

Timesheet Status:

Draft: This is the state when the timesheet is in edit state, the draft state of employees timesheet will not be visible to the administrator..

Submitted: After entering time, employees can submit the timesheet. This will appear on administrator's dashboard. Administrator timesheet will be automatically approved when he submits.

Approved: When administrator checks & approves, the timesheet is in approved state, in this state the user can't edit his timesheet.

Mobile View of Timesheet screen :

Mobile view of time screen

Input :

Enter your time for the projects in the input

(Enter your time for the project.)

Draft Timesheet :

Save the entered time by clicking save draft button

(This saves entered time, but doesn't submits to admin.)

Submit Timesheet :

Submit the timesheet by clicking submit button

(This submits entire timesheet for the period to admin for approval.)

Status :

Timesheet status such as New, Draft, Submittted, Approved and Rejected shown in the status

(This show the current status of timesheet and timesheet will be editable only on new or draft status.)

Browser View of timesheet screen :

Web view of time screen

Payroll Settings

To generate payroll report from Reports, hours per day and pay frequency needs to be set. By default 8 hours and Monthly will be set.

To access PayRoll Setting, go to: Menu -> Settings -> PayRoll Setting.

Payroll setting screen


Various types of report can be viewed or downloaded from reports screen, available types are

List of reports

Payroll report - Payroll report will be generated with hours of Regular, overtime, holiday and paid time off for the users. This requires a settings to be set with parameters Pay freq, hours, etc.

Report by project - This report generates overall project level total hours and further in detail user level total for the projects for the selected criteria.

Report by user - This report generates overall user level total hours and further in detail project level total for the users for the selected criteria.

Missing timesheet - This report generates the list of missing timesheet of users for the specified period.

Missing Attendance - This report generates the list of missing attendance of users for the specified period and also which has option to exclude for specific days


We offer a 30 day free trial period, Unlimited projects & users can be set and trial at this period. After 30 day free trial period administrator has to upgrade to the Monthly plan.

Administrator can upgrade by proving their credit card details at Menu -> upgrade.

The credit card will be charged on 1st of every month

Choose your plan such as standard plan or leave module plan

Payment History:Administrator can view the history of payments i.e the recurring payments charged for the number of users in the company from Menu -> payment history.

Monthly payment plan:

Monthly plan offers a easy way to pay for the services without long term commitment. You can cancel* the plan at any time. Any new users added will be billed at your next billing period.Recurring payments will be processed on 1st of every month also note that Prorated amount will be processed on first month if applicable.

1-5 users - $10.00 per month (flate rate)

6-25 users - $2.00 per user/month

Enterprise Users:

If you have more than 25 users, please contact us for a customer plan tailored to suite your needs